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Healing Sexual Hurt
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How You Benefit

Finally, a Professional Resource for Church Leaders! This section is uniquely and primarily designed for ministry leaders who want to restore the church to our rightful place as THE BEST PLACE to go when it comes to experiencing the most effective healing and victory over sexual pain or sin. This is a one-stop shop and rare find - we’ve done the homework for you in terms of listing additional biblically-based ministries or materials that add new content to your church setting or personal situation.

Seven Sexual Topics, Not Just One. 

Almost every website, book or ministry specializes in one and only one sexual topic - but this website here is the only one where you obtain information and advice on all of the most pressing sexual issues in society! You’ll find HELPFUL RESOURCES for pornography, abortion, sexual assault or rape, casual sex lifestyle, a sexless marriage, childhood sexual abuse, and same-sex attraction. This will save you tons of time. It's all found here!

Causes AND Consequences of Sexual Misconduct.

Mostly all websites specialize in either the causes or the consequences of sexual behavior. That's not enough. You need to know both. In each of the seven sexual topics listed, you'll see both the reasons and results of each unique one. It is written to help you understand the victim and the victimizer. Do you know what to say to both? The sexual offender needs to see what kind of emotional damage they have done to someone as a result of their selfishness. The sexual victim needs to know why their offender did what they did as they begin to understand that it’s not their fault that it happened. We all need to see the bigger picture.

He is the God of All Grace. 

(1 Peter 5:10). Only God can give every kind of strength and grace that you will need in life. He knows exactly what your broken or weak heart needs to overcome this event or habit. If you are having a tough time in trying to forgive someone or yourself, He gives you that kind of grace. If you feel that you can't stop being bitter or angry towards the person that did this to you, He gives you that kind of grace. If you desperately want to feel clean again after what happened to you, He will help you with that kind of grace. If you want to overcome an addiction that is out of control, He gives you that kind of strength. Whatever you need, He has it. 

The Word of God is More Powerful than Our Words.

(2 Timothy 3:16,17). We are usually egotistical in thinking that our words and our warmth are most important in helping people. While these qualities can indeed be helpful, we must also remember that the words of God are the most healing and helpful gifts we can give our people! If people are to be restored, they will be transformed by the renewing of their minds. God's Word must permeate their minds. The Scriptures are meant to correct, train, and equip people for every good work. If you want to help yourself or people with deep sexual hurts or habits, you have to know your Bible well. There is no substitute. Don't rely on your bubbly personality; rely instead on Biblical verses, characters, or stories. God didn't leave anything out of His Word.

Church is the Best Place for Sexual Sanctification. 

(Hebrews 10:24,25; Ephesians 6:1,2). Yes, religious folks can be rigid and rude The church can have some of the most unforgiving and unkind people in the world. Jesus knows that; His harshest words were directed towards those kinds of people. At the same time, the church can also have some of the nicest and wisest people on earth! God teaches us that we should be in the fellowship and company of His people in a local church. It helps us grow and change. The church has answers that the world doesn't have. Being in the presence of God’s people is a necessity, not a luxury, in becoming balanced. This is the place where we find support and strength on how to live and heal.

Jesus Understands Your Hurt and Pain More Than Anyone.

(Hebrews 4:15-16; Isaiah 53). Jesus experienced more sorrow than anyone who has ever lived. He understands what you're going through more than anyone else does. You know the feeling of being deserted and betrayed by someone who said they cared - so does Jesus. You know the feeling of anger and wrath at the unspeakable injustice that has been done to you – so does He. You know the shame and humiliation of being stripped of your clothes and then physically abused – so does Jesus. There is no weakness, sadness, emotion, or temptation that is foreign to Jesus. Study His life and you'll heal much faster.

Contact Us Today! 
If you would like to chat with Dr. Serio or ask about an appointment, please fill out this form and we will assist you. Dr. Serio will freely give you a 20 minute consultation to see if you would like to go further, afterwards.
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    About us

    Most counselors, speakers or organizations happen to specialize in only one particular topic above. I happen to specialize in all types of sexual hurt, injustice, pain, trauma, memories - not just in one area. (more)

    Contact us
    (Mailing Address)
    Healing Sexual Hurt
    Dr. Sam Serio
    31915 Rancho California Road
    Suite 200-405
    Temecula, CA 92591


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