Healing Women Who Hurt From Rape And Sexual Assault
You feel like you’ve lost your security. As a result of your rape, you now wonder if you can make the right decisions about trusting people and about assessing situations in the future. This totally took you by surprise and turned your life upside down. You never thought this could happen, especially to you. And some of your family or friends interrogated and insinuated that you might have provoked or caused this unwanted encounter by what you were wearing or doing that day or night. And now, you beat yourself up for not predicting it or preventing it. You were told that it wasn’t that big of a big deal because that’s the way guys are. You wonder what you could’ve done differently and if you’re partially wrong. You wonder how God could have let this happen when you were trying so hard. In the Bible, Job had a similar situation where his friends told him that his painful suffering was caused by some deficiency or sin on his part. God had to set them all straight with the truth that it wasn’t his fault for what had happened. He is not happy when we wrongfully blame others or blame ourselves. In another story, He told us that the victim who was attacked, stripped and robbed had done nothing wrong to deserve this unjust tragedy and treatment . You will always have false accusers in your life. Instead, hear the comforting voice of God as He assures you that you were wronged, not wrong. You’re the survivor and not the perpetrator of this crime. You have just temporarily lost that most crucially necessary confidence in yourself and trust in people (and God) that you must have in order to live in the present and dream in the future. Allow Him to teach you how to trust again. Though you continue to walk through the valley of rape or death in this life, you will fear no evil because He is with you. He gives confidence in the midst of chaos, peace in the midst of panic. He offers you Jesus. You feel like you’ve lost your dignity and beauty. You were violated. You were dominated. You were humiliated. You felt helpless and powerless to stop this rape and you might have thought that you were going to die. That’s a life changing trauma so please be patient with yourself and give yourself some time to heal. What he (or they) did to you was disgusting and despicable. What was done to you should not even be done to dogs but it was done to you. You feel defiled and damaged - because you were. As a result of your rape, you feel old or ugly. You wonder if you’ll ever feel desirable again or enjoy sex again. You don’t want to be touched or hugged yet you don’t want others to suffer in the future for what some other man did in the past. Will the flashback memories of that event ever go away? Your body was treated like a receptacle or a piece of meat for him (or them) to gratify their own lust for power or porn. However, your rapist doesn’t have the final say in how you view yourself the rest of your life. God does. He doesn’t look on the outward appearance, even though we do. He instead looks at our heart instead. Your body is still His prized possession and now He rejoices over you with singing, as a Bridegroom delights in His bride on their wedding night. God doesn’t see you the way you see yourself. Believe His words now. If He lives inside of you, then your body is still the temple of God. You are still made in His image and likeness. When you have a personal walk with God, He still sees Himself in you even after being raped. So much more could be said about this - let's set up an appointment to chat…. God understands and describes the feeling of being raped. In His trial before His crucifixion, Jesus was violently and forcibly stripped of his clothing and left exposed and naked by people who wanted to dominate and humiliate Him. Yea, He understands. And right before that, Jesus had his own Judas who betrayed him – even with a kiss. Judas pretended to like Jesus when all along, he planned on harming Him. Does that sound familiar? Like you, Jesus had his own Peter who actually abandoned and disowned Him right after he promised undying loyalty to Him. People that once praised Him helped to crucify Him days later. God knows how fickle and unfaithful people can be – saying one thing and doing the exact opposite to Him and to you. He knows the betrayal and shame you feel. He describes a woman named Tamar who knew her assailant that used no weapon but brute physical force upon her, as in most sexual assaults today. He hits the nail on the head in describing her as rejected and humiliated. She was discarded and sent away by her rapist and wept out loud. Tamar lived the rest of her life as a desolate woman . This will not be you! Let’s talk about how we can work through this terrible event in your life… God will guide your decisions and restore your dignity. People will always disappoint and deceive you, including the person/s who did this to you and the people who partially blamed you. God does neither. He is the only person you can totally trust and He will guide you into making confident decisions in the future. He speaks absolute truth in everything He says and He doesn’t lie about His love. He is not fake or fickle, as people are. His spiritual presence inside of you will override and overrule the memory of someone else’s physical presence being inside of you. He is holy and pure and only wants good things for you in the future. He’ll show you how to feel clean and confident again because you are perfect in His eyes, if filled with the righteousness of Christ. Yes, God is the best healing for the sexual hurt of rape. |